

Much of our time is spent providing advice and support to help community cats and the people whose lives they intersect. In addition to these activities, Fabulous Felines conducts several larger, ongoing efforts. These include Project Apollo, which focuses on managing a feral colony, a foster house, and a broad education and outreach effort to raise people’s understanding of the plight, value, and rights of feral cats.

Project Apollo

A feeding station for community cats











Fabulous Felines operates an active rescue and feral colony management program. Lost, abandoned, and feral cats gather in colonies; if left alone, the animals follow nature’s course, leading to an exponentially growing population. Because truly feral cats (those born in the colony) are essentially wild animals, they are difficult to adopt as companion animals. We are actively managing a feral colony, and have named this effort Project Apollo after one of the first cats we TNR’d (left). We are happy to say that several wonderful people in the neighborhood have taken on day to day support of the colony, and we continue to assist them by providing food, veterinary care, shelter, and other support.

Foster House

A habitat room in our foster house

A habitat room in our foster house

Django - one of the cats at the foster house

Django – one of the cats at the foster house

When we started working with Community Cat Colonies, our intention was to support their management through TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return). However, we found that many of the cats we trapped could not, in good conscience, be returned. Some of these were friendly house cats that had been abandoned. Others had health problems that would have made returning to the colony a death sentence. To help these cats, we have established a small foster house to give them decent lives. If you would like to adopt or foster one of these animals, or simply to come to our foster house as a volunteer, please contact us.


The aerial habitat

The aerial habitat at the foster house


Education and Outreach


A therapy cat visiting a memory care unit

Ultimately, the only solution to the tragedy of lost, abandoned, and feral cats is education, and this has become one of our primary activities. Our Free Lecture Program is in its third year, and has proven a huge success, with well attended lectures on everything from veterinary care, to cat psychology, to estate and trust planning for pets. To get a sense of what we have done, view our past lecture announcements.

In addition, we visit civic and residential groups to speak on our work, and the needs of Community Cats. We have brought cats to visit local residences and brighten the day for people with Alzheimer’s or other cognitive problems. Recently, we visited a Day Care Center, and spoke to the children about our work. We were overwhelmed by the depth of compassion these very young children showed.

If you would like a representative of Fabulous Felines to speak to your organization, please contact us.