Volunteer at Our Foster House & Get Paid in Purrs & Cuddles

Recently, the volunteers added some decals to one of the rooms for fun

As many of you know, Fabulous Felines has long operated a Foster house for special needs and difficult to place cats. These include cats with special health needs, formerly feral rescues who are still becoming used to people, and elderly animals. We need volunteers to help care for these animals and maintain the foster house. Duties include feeding and watering, scooping and box maintenance, light cleaning, and what is most important, enriching the lives of these animals with play and affection.

We have tried to make the foster house a bright, pleasant place for both the cats and our volunteers, with features like a climbing wall for the cats, a bright glassed-in porch, bright colors, and lots of toys.

If you would like to make a difference in the lives of these beautiful animals and enrich your own life, email us at fabulousFelines@comcast.net.

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